Rörstrand Museum. Three Factories in Three Cities for 300 Years. New graphic language, creative/art direction for the museum that opens with new exhibitions in April 2022. With Tove Alderin Studio/TAS. Ongoing.
Projects come alive in dialogue with our clients, through resourcefulness, purposeful strategies and sustainable choices in dedicated processes, with design formed by 25 years of life and work abroad.
Since moving back to Sweden, most commisions
The Royal Armoury. The New Permanent Exhibition. Exhibition graphics. 2019. Nominated to Museum of the Year 2021 by Sveriges Museer och Svenska ICOM (International Council of Museums).
Kalmar Castle. Gustav Vasa 500 years. Exhibition graphics and communication design. 2020. A touring exhibition, each stop highlighting a different defining moment: In 1521 Gustav Vasa was appointed head of state in Vadstena. 15 June through 30 September 2021, at Vadstena Castle.
Spritmuseum. Message In A Bottle. Exhibition Graphics with TAS/Tove Alderin Studio. 2016.
Spritmuseum. No Label. Exhibition graphics with TAS/Tove Alderin Studio. 2017.
Spritmuseum Love x Attraction (((<3))). Curated by Carolina Falkholt (image) and Anna Axfors (poetry). Exhibition graphics. The poster. 2023.
Spritmuseum Love x Attraction (((<3))). Curated by Carolina Falkholt (image) and Anna Axfors (poetry). Exhibition graphics. Record sleeve design. 2023.
Spritmuseum Love x Attraction (((<3))). Curated by Carolina Falkholt (image) and Anna Axfors (poetry). Exhibition graphics. Exhibition graphics. 2023.
Spritmuseum Love x Attraction (((<3))). Curated by Carolina Falkholt (image) and Anna Axfors (poetry). Text 7. Exhibition graphics. 2023.
have been exhibition design in close collaboration with TAS and JAC studios.
House of Sweden, Washington DC. Rymd—A Swedish Space Odyssey. Invite. Exhibition graphics with Tove Alderin Studio and JAC Studio, a JACTA collaboration. 2015.
House of Sweden, Washington DC. Rymd—A Swedish Space Odyssey. Exhibition graphics with Tove Alderin Studio and JAC Studio, a JACTA collaboration. 2015.
House of Sweden, Washington DC. Rymd—A Swedish Space Odyssey. Exhibition graphics with Tove Alderin Studio and JAC Studio, a JACTA collaboration. The Sweden Cones’ illustrations and words created in collaboration with Hannah Gustavsson. 2015.
The Royal Dramatic Theatre (Dramaten&) x Nobel Center. Performance Lecture ’About Robots’ with professor Danica Kragiç. Experimental cross disciplinary project. Initiated by Helena Hammarskiöld and Anna Douagi Sjöström. Concept development. With TAS/Tove Alderin Studio. 2016-2019.
The Royal Dramatic Theatre (Dramaten&) x Nobel Center. Performance Lecture ’About Robots’ with Professor Danica Kragic. Experimental cross disciplinary project. Initiated by Helena Hammarskiöld and Anna Douagi Sjöström. Concept, visual language, set design with TAS/Tove Alderin Studio in collaboration with VELOURFILM. Image: Louis Wood. 2016-2019. Read more about the project here and here.
The Royal Dramatic Theatre (Dramaten&) x Nobel Center. Performance Lecture ’About Robots’ with Professor Danica Kragic. Experimental cross disciplinary project. Initiated by Helena Hammarskiöld and Anna Douagi Sjöström. Concept, visual language, set design. With Tove Alderin Studio, moving images and projections in collaboration with VELOURFILM. 2016-2019.
The Royal Dramatic Theatre (Dramaten&) x Nobel Center. Performance Lecture ’About Robots’ with Professor Danica Kragic. Experimental cross disciplinary project. Initiated by Helena Hammarskiöld and Anna Douagi Sjöström. Concept visual language, set design with TAS/Tove Alderin Studio. Moving images and projections with VELOURFILM. 2016-2019. Photo by Anna Lundqvist. Read more about the project here and here
Uppsala Cathedral. Uppsala Boys Choir 100 years. Graphics for the experimental cross disciplinary sculptural water, sound and light installation (WIP image). Created by Tove Alderin with Nils Fridén and Stockholm Glas, curated by Helene Warpe and Tove Alderin. With TAS/Tove Alderin Studio. 2021.
and international exchange
Dramaten&. Tetsudai (To Help). Designers for Japan, a charity event initiated by Graham Wood and Joel Baumann. 2011.
The Royal Dramatic Theatre. Tetsudai (To Help) Designers for Japan. With Helena Seth/Dramaten&. Charity event initiated by Graham Wood and Joel Bauman. 2011.
The Royal Dramatic Theatre. Tetsudai (To Help) Designers for Japan. With Helena Seth/Dramaten&. Charity event initiated by Graham Wood and Joel Bauman. 2011.
, as well as experimental design
Dramaten&. Anna von Hausswolff. Scenography and visual concept by Tove Alderin and me. 14 projections based on spectograms of Annas music and sounds from space. A collaboration with professor Mattias Heldner at the phonetics laboratory at KTH and SK0UX, Kvarnberget Amateur Radio Society. The concert was sent out live to bounce on the moon. Read more here, and here
Dramaten&, Anna von Hausswolff. 14 film projections based on spectograms of Anna's music and sounds from space. Scenographic concept and idea by Tove Alderin and me. A collaboration with professor Mattias Heldner at the Phonetics Laboratory at KTH and SK0UX, Kvarnberget Amateur Radio Society. Idea developed from the RYMD project we did with Magdalena Tafvelin Heldner for House of Sweden in Washington. Read more about the project here, here, here and here
Dramaten&. Anna von Hausswolff Scenography and visual concept by Tove Alderin and me. 14 projections based on spectograms of Annas music and sounds from space. A collaboration with professor Mattias Heldner at the phonetics laboratory at KTH and SK0UX, Kvarnberget Amateur Radio Society. The concert was sent out live to bounce on the moon. Read more here
, are vital parts of what we do, as is education. I teach at Berghs SOC and at Beckmans College of Design. Are We There Yet? is a recent example of coursework based on interdisciplinary collaboration with Svenskt Tenn and researchers at Beijer Insitute.
Are We There Yet? In conjunction with the Uppsala Dialogue Meeting, a two-day conference titled ‘The Global Need for Effective Antibiotics - Unlocking Barriers for Collective Action’, we prepared a satellite version of our exhibition consisting of one of the pieces accompanied by posters of the others. 2023. The project will also be presented at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) at the Permanent Mission of Sweden to the United Nations in New York as part of the programme for the high-level General Debate at the end of September 2024.
After graduating from CSM, and the RCA in 1996, Fabian Monheim and I founded Fly. We shared Studio 26 with Michael Sodeau, Michael Young, Morph. Our first project
Tom Dixon. Space All Saints Road Invite. Graphic Identity with Fabian Monheim. 1994.
Vogue Homme International. Typeface. Design. 1998
The Barbican. Jam: Style+Music+Media. Curated by Jane Alison, designed by Tom Dixon. Exhibition graphics and catalogue with Fabian Monheim. 1996.’The first edition of JAM, a celebration of innovation and eclecticism across art forms not usually seen in a gallery space. JAM was the first of its kind – a crucial mix of style, music and technology, a response to the explosion of creativity at the cutting edge of urban style culture in ‘90s Britain.’
was with Tom Dixon who introduced us to Yoichi Nakamuta of E&Y Gallery Tokyo, with whom we continued to collaborate
E&Y Gallery. Le Toolpub (les designers maintenant). Yoichi Nakamuta made it possible. Edited and designed with Fabian Monheim. Talents selected by Christophe Pillet. Photography by Jean Christophe Husson <3, the story on page 14 by Joe Magrean, the two fashion victims on page 4 were shot by Horst Diekgerdes. 1997.
Solaria / E&Y Gallery. Synapse Kun’s World—Contents of Aliens. Group Exhibition/Installation with Fabian Monheim, Michael Young, Inflate, Kenjiro, Mitsuo Tsuda and Jeremy Lord. 1997.
Fly. Pins. Promotion. With Fabian Monheim. 1996.
Michael Young at E&Y Gallery. Mid 90s Modern. Exhibition graphics with Fabian Monheim. 1995.
PULP. The Professional (Fancine). Graphic design/art direction with Fabian Monheim and Paul Burgess. 1997.
throughout all of our Fly years in London.
In 2002, Studio Sophia Wood was established
APT58. APT58. Graphic Identity: SUPERGRAPHICS! With Graham Wood and Michael Sodeau. 2013.
APT58. APT58. Graphic Identity. With Michael Sodeau and Graham Wood. 2013.
. Work since has included projects with Galerie Kréo
Perrier. Perrier POP by Sophia Wood. Packaging design. 2005. Photo by Studio Kleiner. The Perrier Pop Project was awarded winner of the Soft Drink Category 2006 in France.
Perrier. Perrier POP by Sophia Wood. Packaging design 30cl cans with Kréo. 2005. The Perrier Pop Project was awarded winner of the Soft Drink Category 2006 in France.
Rowenta. WHIZZ! Air Force Limited Edition Sophia Wood 18V/24V. With Kreo. 2011. If you know Spanish you can read more here.
, exhibition catalogues
Galleri Sebastian Schildt. Identity Transfer. Exhibition Catalogue. 2016.
The National Museums of World Culture. Reactivate! Objects and Identities. A documentation of an experimental project, a collaboration between the National Museums of World Culture, Järfälla High School’s Aesthetic Department, ES1, initiated by SWITCH and co-funded by Creative Europe. With Tove Alderin Studio. 2018.
The National Museums of World Culture. Reactivate! Objects and Identities. A documentation of an experimental project, a collaboration between the National Museums of World Culture, Järfälla High School’s Aesthetic Department ES1 initiated by SWITCH and co-funded by Creative Europe. With Tove Alderin Studio. Moving images with VELOURFILM. 2019.
The National Museums of World Culture. Reactivate! Objects and Identities. A documentation of an experimental project, a collaboration between the National Museums of World Culture, Järfälla High School’s Aesthetic Department, ES1, initiated by SWITCH and co-funded by Creative Europe. With Tove Alderin Studio. Moving images with Velourfilm. 2019.
The National Museums of World Culture. Reactivate! Objects and Identities. A documentation of an experimental project, a collaboration between the National Museums of World Culture, Järfälla High School’s Aesthetic Department ES1 initiated by SWITCH and co-funded by Creative Europe. With Tove Alderin Studio. 2018.
, books
Richters. STIL. Book Design. With Hans Rooth and Lage Stone. 2004.
Forum. Wigerdals World by Hans Rooth and Lage Stone, photography by Fabian Monheim. Design/art direction. 2002.
The Swedish Institute. Equal Opportunities Sweden Paves the Way. Book Design. 2005.
The Swedish Institute. Equal Opportunities, Sweden Paves the Way. Book Design. 2005.
The Swedish Institute. Equal Opportunities Sweden Paves the Way. Book Design. 2005.
with the Swedish Institute among others, IDEA magazine
IDEA Magazine. No 302 / Graphic Design In Scandinavia. Front, back cover and photo essays with Graham Wood. 2004.
with Graham Wood, Everyday by Collex and Everyday by Collex Inn
Collex Japan. Everyday by Collex Launch. With Mamiko Osawa. Photography by Patrik Johansson. Design and Art Direction. 2004.
Collex Japan. Everyday by Collex Launch. With Mamiko Osawa and Bob Foundation. Photography by Patrik Johansson. Design and Art Direction. 2004.
Collex Japan. Everyday by Collex Launch. With Mamiko Osawa and Bob Foundation. Photography by Patrik Johansson. Design and art direction. 2004.
Everyday by Collex. Everyday by Collex Inn. Graphic Identity. With Bob Foundation. 2004.
with Bob foundation. The family moved to New York in 2006 and I met Gaby Basora, the founder of Tucker. We worked on the brand together
Tucker by Gaby Basora. Swing tag, label. Identity/Design 2007
Tucker by Gaby Basora. Photographer Mei Tao, model Annie Morton. Art Direction. 2007.
Tucker. Tucker flag. Flagship Store West Broadway. Graphic identity. 2009.
Tucker by Gaby Basora. Spring Lookboook. Art Direction/Design. 2012.
Tucker by Gaby Basora. Relaunch. Art Direction/Design 2015.
Tucker by Gaby Basora. Relaunch. Art Direction/Design 2015.
for over ten years. Other projects in NYC include the identity for Alyssa Norton Jewelry, film posters,
Alyssa Norton Jewelry. The AN logo. Graphic Identity. 2008.
Mostfilm. Honungsfällan by Kicki Kjellin. Film titles, dvd cover and posters. 2008.
Mostfilm. Honungsfällan by Kicki Kjellin. Film titles, dvd cover and posters. 2008.
, an installation
ABC Carpet&Home, Manhattan. M.T.L.W—Am I Not Supposed To Keep Any Secrets From You Mummy? Photo by Studio Kleiner. Exhibition / In store Pop-Up with Mira Wood. 2008.
ABC Carpet&Home, Manhattan. M.T.L.W—Am I Not Supposed To Keep Any Secrets From You Mummy? Exhibition / In store Pop-Up with Mira Wood. 2008.
ABC Carpet&Home, Manhattan. M.T.L.W—Am I Not Supposed To Keep Any Secrets From You Mummy? Exhibition / In store Pop-Up with Mira Wood. 2008.
ABC Carpet&Home, Manhattan. M.T.L.W—Am I Not Supposed To Keep Any Secrets From You Mummy? Exhibition / In store Pop-Up with Mira Wood. 2008.
at ABC Carpet and Home, Hudson,
Christopher Farr. Hudson. Rug, gun tufted version 1 (in two parts) with Michael Sodeau for Modus, Salon de Mobile. 2007.
Christopher Farr. Hudson. Rug, hand knotted, hand spun wool 2.44 x 3.05m (8' x 10'). Custom options available. 2008.
Christopher Farr. Hudson. Rug, hand knotted, hand spun wool 2.44 x 3.05m (8' x 10'). Custom options available. 2008.
with Christopher Farr for the Modus show at the Salon de Mobile 2007.
Back in Europe I teamed up with Lewander & Co on the Martin & Servera merger, a comprehensive long term task that involved brand strategy, identity
Martin&Servera. Martin&Servera. Graphic identity with Lewander&Co. 2013.
Martin&Servera. Signage. Graphic identity with Lewander&Co. 2.5m tall letters form a 30 meter long sign mounted on the roof of the outlet in Årsta. 2013.
Martin&Servera. Martin&Servera. Graphic identity (on chefs’ kits) with Lewander&Co. 2013. Image copyright Martin&Servera x Take Over.
, communication
Martin&Servera. Print. With Lewander&co. 2010-2014.
, packaging
Martin&Servera. EMV/Own Brand. Packaging design with Viktoria Hamberger for Lewander&Co. 2013.
Martin&Servera. EMV/Own Brand. Packaging Design with Viktoria Hamberger for Lewander&Co. 2013.
Martin&Servera. EMV/Own Brand. Packaging design with Viktoria Hamberger for Lewander&Co. 2013.
and retail design.
Most of our work has been
Underworld. A. Born Slippy, B. Born Slippy / NUXX. Letterpress. Design and creative direction by Graham Wood/Tomato. 1996.
Mr.X & Mr.Y. Nite of the Tschuldigungs. Hysteria / MCA Records. Design, with Fabian Monheim. 1996.
and continues to be, produced by small, nimble teams, drawn from an international network of talented friends.
Own work. Everyone Everywhere. Photo taken in Milan, 13 April at 14.46. 2015.
With experience, dedication and a sincere love for our craft, we collaborate closely with all involved to form useful solutions for each project. `Eventually everything connects—people, ideas, objects… the quality of the connections is the key to quality per se.´ ((( <3 )))